Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fun in Canada!

Centre piece in a big pot at the Franz family gathering!

Checking out the baking!

Getting to know the relatives!

Snow fights

...and chillin in the snow

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My first day at Opa & Omi's

this is omi and me on our way to get a haircut

i had a tractor to play with and i held very still

i wasn't too sure of it all...

but everyone said i was very good boy and a handsome one!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Reflection on the holidays

Now that it is all over, I can take time to reflect and say that I had a wonderful Christmas and New Years with the whole family! Spending time with Dominic was, of course, a highlight and it was amazing to see how much he had grown since the last time I saw him (Aug 08). Skype is the greatest of technologies but just not the same as giving a hug and a kiss in person...! It was so much fun playing with and running after Dominic (or having Dominic chase me) and watching his inquisitive nature take everything in. Mathias & PL, thanks for coming out this way... it is always so great to see you as well and here's to many more visits! Love you all!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy 2009

happy new year! no pictures yet... we're too busy having fun. but look for christmas pictures in the near future. also look out for some guest bloggers to give their dominic-perspective. =)

ok, here's one picture. this is dominic & me in the mountains of snow up in the pacific northwest...