Monday, November 10, 2008

yellow box

i'm glad i subscribe to little emails about baby & child development.  if not, i don't think i would be aware of certain developmental abilities that dominic might be able to master.  

for example, a couple months ago, i got an email saying, "yay! your baby can clap!"  (paraphrase.)  i was surprised:  ummmm... no, he can't.  so i practiced it with him, not just showing him how i clap, but also using my hands to guide his in how to clap.  sure enough - it was only a couple weeks before he started clapping all the time.  

here's another example.  one email told me that a fun game for babies is to get a box or bowl or something and put stuff in, then dump it out.  genius!  everyone loves to put something in a box and then dump it out.  here's my video of dominic learning this new game (now one of his favorites).  

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